Student Academic Success
Reflection about Trans* in College by Z Nicolazzo
As a professional development reading this summer, many of my colleagues and I selected Trans* in College (2016) by Z Nicolazzo. As I think about the key take-aways for my position, I am…
SASC and the 5 M’s of Talent
I have come to the conclusion, as crazy as it sounds, that there is no such thing as innate talent. Dr. Rishi Sriram In this episode of LearnSmart, Dr. Rishi Sriram discusses his…
Making Learning Visible: Reflection for 2022
At the end of the term, reflection mode commences. One activity that I planned to regularly incorporate was the SAIL activity (Share-Ask-Ideas-Learned). I used SAIL for all my student workers this term. For…
Making Learning Visible Reflection and Resources
For our team’s professional learning this summer, we read The Power of Making Learning Visible by Ron Ritchart and Mark Church, published in 2020. I liked the structure of the book, with each…
2020 Professional Development
Because of the pandemic, 2020 brought me more opportunities to learn and grow. Below are the highlights of experiences and texts that have helped me to reconsider my ideas and behaviors and to…
2020 and BLM
This year has been more dynamic than any I can remember. To better understand racism in America, I have been reading and listening. I have lived in America for my whole life, and…
Reflections on iGen
I first encountered Jean Twenge’s research in her 2017 Atlantic article “Has the Smart Phone Destroyed a Generation?” and soon incorporated it into my English 110 class as a reading connected to my…
Reflections on Teaching Metacognition
For professional development, my colleagues and I are reading McGuire’s Teach Students How to Learn, a book about strategies for helping students learn to be successful students. McGuire brings years of experience teaching…
Reflection and Research on ePortfolio
For me, summer allows for some time to read and reflect on the previous year as I think about the up-coming academic year. This summer, I have high expectations for my work-related summer…