Making Learning Visible: Reflection for 2022
At the end of the term, reflection mode commences. One activity that I planned to regularly incorporate was the SAIL activity (Share-Ask-Ideas-Learned). I used SAIL for all my student workers this term. For…
2020 Professional Development
Because of the pandemic, 2020 brought me more opportunities to learn and grow. Below are the highlights of experiences and texts that have helped me to reconsider my ideas and behaviors and to…
Coordinating for DigiSpace
As I think about my role as the DigiSpace Coordinator, I am continually grateful for my consultants and their dedication as learners. I expect professionalism and a growth mindset, and in return, I…
Digital Literacy Consultants in the UNE News
I’m so excited that UNE has profiled our DigiSpace literacy consultants! http://www.une.edu/news/2017/undergrad-digital-literacy-advisers-provide-help-fellow-students